Interview With DeeCRACKS

Hello guys, how are you? Welcome back to IBR headquarters once again! It’s a pleasure to chat with you again!
MIKE: Ciao bello, thanks for having us back. All is good here, hope things are great for you as well.

So, September 5 2012. It’s a very important date to me. Well, being that you guys are such a hard-working band, this day doesn’t make a lot of sense to you but actually it was the date of the first show I booked (together with my buddy Ame) since I moved to Milan. IBR wasn’t a thing at the time but I clearly remember everything and that show really pushed me to start doing something (that I hoped would be cool) in Milan. Do you remember that show/weekend we spent together?
MIKE: Of course, I remember, we were with our Chinese bassplayer Zhong at the time and it was one of the first shows of a month-long tour. It was at Ligera and you got us some great pasta, from your mom or grandma if I’m not mistaken. You did a great job there and were a gracious host. Your apartment was lovely too. Do you still live there?  There was this abandoned building next door, which our GPS told us was actually your place (haha). I’m happy it wasn’t!

Yes, I still live there but the abandoned building is now destroyed!ahahah! So 8 years later, and after thousands of shows, what has changed for DeeCracks? (Don’t say bass-players! 🙂 )
MATT: Not very much really, We all have gotten a little older but I’d like to say the attitude hasn’t changed.

In Addition to DeeCracks, you all have different side-projects (Matt with Ratcliffs & Jagger Holly) (Mike … I can’t count how many bands that you play with) how do you manage to keep up with all of those different obligations? Also, a bit of news over the past few days. It was announced that Mike will play the drums at Punk Rock Raduno for the Mopes, how did this amazing opportunity come about?
MIKE: Yeah, it’s so awesome! I can’t wait for that show! I’m really excited for it. Basically Jughead texted me to see if I could play at Punk Rock Raduno with Mopes and of course I said yes. Jughead teamed up with us and Will from Zatopeks to do a special Screeching Weasel/Mopes/Even in Blackouts set at our Sweet Sixteen Festival last September, so I guess, he must have liked the way I played there. I’m super happy about it! I’m always grateful when someone approaches me to fill in or play in a band with them, it’s always an honour and it fills my heart that people dig my drumming, after all, it’s my happy place.

Let’s talk about Punk Rock Raduno. It’s not the biggest festival, but I’m pretty sure it’s one of the most beloved festival in the world. Being that you played/attended at every edition, what are your feelings about the festival? And what do you think is the secret behind the success of the festival?
MATT: Hm… well if you are looking at Europe during springtime and summer you might have noticed there’s a ton of festivals going on! If you ask me, there’s way too many. Every now and then we are playing some of them but I have to say I don’t really like it. It’s just very unpersonal and stressful. Raduno feels a bit different though. It feels more like a family reunion, you know? Everybody’s there for the same cause! Bands and fans! It’s like amongst all of those parties there’s one just for us!

It’s pretty well-known that way back in 2013, you were banned from USA. I don’t wanna go back to that infamous story but is the ban permanent or are you working on finding a solution to be able to go back to USA?
MIKE: Yeah, it’s a never-ending story really. As of now we are still banned, but we are still trying to make it back there one day. Never say never! Maybe once Matt will write a worldwide sensational big hit song, we’ll make it (haha).

Although this sad story might have demoralized a touring band, you rolled up your sleeves and toured everywhere possible. We’re talking Russia, Israel, China, Mexico, Turkey, just to name a few, most of which are not really conventional destinations for punk rock bands. What can you tell us about the punk rock scene in those countries? Leather jackets and ripped blue jeans?
MATT: Our main goal has always been getting around as much as possible. We hardly ever turn down offers, especially when it’s about shows or tours abroad. The cool thing about punk rock is that it connects the people all over the world. Scenes are the same everywhere.
Of course there are cultural differences In different places. Like for example Japanese bands practice hard until they reach perfection, while we don’t (haha). And by the way, no one should be “demoralized” because they got kicked out of the USA.

Last summer you guys did a great tour with the legendary CJ Ramone. How it was? What can you tell us about CJ? How is CJ behind the curtain? Any funny stories you would like to share with us?
MATT: We like to remember it as the ‘No AC Tour‘. It was kinda hard because last summer was brutally hot… But every show was great! It was professional to a certain degree (which we aren’t really used to), but the atmosphere was super relaxed! CJ is a great guy and really down to earth and yet absolutely aware of how big of a impact the Ramones were on thousands and thousands of people (was and still are) We were really grateful that he chose us to support him on his (final???) Euro tour. And yes, there are some funny stories but I don’t think I wanna share them here (haha).

Let’s talk about records, Sonic Delusions is your latest full length album and two years later, are you satisfied with the final result? What is the general feedback or opinions that you got from friends and fans? What’s it like being on a major label now?
MIKE: Yeah man, it’s been great. Our fans really seemed to enjoy it and thanks to Pirates Press Records we found some new listeners, that we hadn’t reached before. I wouldn’t do anything differently with it really, maybe the artwork wasn’t our strongest, but that’s a matter of taste. We wanted to stick out and be different then the other bands on PPR, not only sound wise. So, it was all good. It’s not a major label though, it’s a very ambitious punk rock indie label that’s turning the right screws. We’re really happy to be a part of it and thankful for the opportunity. We like the fact that we got a special place in their hearts also, as we are a little different. Pirates Press and DeeCracks is not an obvious fit, but they took a chance on us and we took a chance on them, and we both thrived with our matching work ethics, vision and spirit. So, in my mind, it’s perfect.

For your upcoming italian tour you will release a new 7″ “…Can’t Get It Right” through Striped Records and Bad Man Records which has two brand new songs and two songs that were previously released on compilations. What can you tell us about it? I had the chance to listen to them ahead of time (thanks for doing that!!!) and I can say it’s another solid release in your discography!
MATT: Well the “new” songs are actually taken from the 2017 Sonic Delusions session. We always record extra material for 7″s, compilations and so on. (well I guess every band does that…), “Killed by Death” was featured on the Mom’s Basement‘s HEAD tribute compilation and then there’s a newly recorded version of the song ‘Caroline’ (the original one was part of the OCW 30 seconds songs compilation). We are really happy to have Striped with us for this one since they always did a great job taking care of our merch!

Whats next for you guys after the Italian Tour? New album? Big tour in the farest corners of the world?
MIKE: You know us, there is no stopping us from hangover hoppin’ all around the world. We’ll be hitting the road again in April around Europe, mostly Gemany, Austria and bella Italia. In May we will record a new album, Pirates Press is gonna release it once it’s ready. So we’re looking forward to that. We will be touring in France and Spain in fall and we’ll do Japan again sometime in 2021. That’s all, more definite plans will come once the new record is ready, so stay tuned.

Before letting you go, this is your chance to say what you want to say and ask me a question!! It’s always a big pleasure to talk to you, see you at NoReason Fest!
MIKE: Andrea, thanks again for the interview. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. But what can I ask you? Hmmm… Can I just ask you to just keep up the good work? Keep booking and playing shows, keep IBR and your bands alive, help shape and build the Italian punk rock scene and bring it to the rest of the globe… just keep your heart out there and keep being you. Can you do that for me?

Oh sure, Mike! I will never give up my friend!

Special Thanks Goes To John Proffitt Jr. for editing the interview

HEAD Tribute Album – Mom’s Basement Records presents The Manges

This is it, this is the end of the band announcements for the HEAD tribute album, this is the 24th band that were announcing that made it to the Lp. That’s right, 24 bands on a 12” Lp compilation. All of them are killer, there’s no filler to be found here on the HEAD tribute comp. if you heard last years tribute album to the Manges, then you know exactly what to expect from this one.

Speaking of the Manges, they are the final band that we’d like to announce for the HEAD tribute album. Of course you know that these guys are legendary and have been one of the best punk rock bands running on the planet for decades now. They’re also huge fans of HEAD, check out the Florida Ep if you want some more info on that. It made perfect sense to ask the Manges first to be on the HEAD tribute comp. Their contribution is awesome and once again we’re honored to be able to work with them on something.

Here is what they had to say about HEAD “HEAD! I’m your biggest fan, please reply to my letter. I wrote to your po box, please reply to my letter. I like bmx bikes and US flags, I’m from Seattle and Disneyland, applied for a job at Letterman’s

That’s pretty catchy huh? Their cover of “Senor Itchy” will blow your mind as will the other 23 contributions on the Lp. Stay tuned next week for the digital bonus band announcements and the big artwork reveal.

HEAD Tribute Album – Mom’s Basement Records presents Neon Bone

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for another band announcement for the HEAD tribute! This is the second to last band to be announced so I wanted to save a band that’s near and dear to our heads here at Mom’s Basement Records. Of course we’re talking about Neon Bone from Munster, Germany. Not only are Gumbo and the gang one of the best punk rock bands in Europe, he is also an integral part of this record label. Gumbo does all of our ads and most of our Lp inserts amongst other cool stuff so we had to have him involved.

Here’s what gumbo had to say about HEAD and his song choice.

They didn’t want to stay at my place when I booked a show for them in my hometown so I picked “The Sissy” for my cover, LoL

Wow! How scandalous! There’s only one more band to announce so be sure to check us out on Friday afternoon at the usual time!

HEAD Tribute Album – Recap

Happy Monday everyone! There is 2 more bands left to announce for the HEAD tribute album, rather then announce one of them today we decided to do a quick recap of all of the bands that were announced so far. We’ve announced that…So-Cho Pistons
The Parasites
The Putz
The Isotopes
the SUCK
The Lorrainas
The MugwumpsThe Ratcliffs
Flamingo Nosebleed
The Livermores
Proton Packs
Geoff Palmer
Young Rochelles
Johnny Terrien & The Bad Lieutenants
Jimmy VapidThe HEAD tribute will be here very soon. We will announce the final two bands on the Lp and then we’ll announce the digital bonus bands and reveal the artwork next week. Stay tuned folks!

HEAD Tribute Album – Mom’s Basement Records presents Ratcliffs

Happy Wednesday everyone! It’s announcement time. We’re very pleased to tell you that the Ratcliffs from Austria have recorded a killer cover for the HEAD tribute. I’m a huge fan of these dudes and their latest album “Hell Mental” is a must have so head over to the I Buy Records webstore and pick that bad boy up. .

Here’s what the guys have to say about: “Our entire existence orbits around HEAD and their spiritual teachings. We have been following them for at least forty years if not even longer. Hence, we feel beyond delighted to pay homage to this formidable squadron of merry-men and pranksters. Aloha

HEAD Tribute Album – Mom’s Basement Records presents Volkov

Alright everyone! It’s time for another week of HEAD tribute bane announcements. This time we’re pleased to announce that Volkov is on the HEAD tribute. They’ve been with the Mom’s Basement Records since the beginning so you had to know that they were gonna be on there. They just released a brand new full length Fat, Rich and Sad on vinyl and/or Cd. The Cd has different artwork, a different album title and another special surprise so you should buy both. Released by Mom’s Basement Records, I Buy Records and One Chord Wonder.

Here is what Mr. Specianin had to say about “Once I was talking to Chris Mugwump and we found out that we both have been trying to write a song in the style of HEAD for over 20 years with no satisfactory results. That’s why they’re so unique.
You can write a song that sounds like Screeching Weasel, You can try to write a song that sounds like the Beatles. You can even try to do your best and write a classical Chopin style song. But you’ll never score that goal with HEAD. I dare you to try asshole!”


HEAD Tribute Album – Mom’s Basement Records presents The Young Rochelles

Happy Friday everyone! It’s almost time for the weekend and that means it’s time to announce another band on the HEAD tribute album. We’re happy to announce that Long Island, New York’s own Young Rochelles are on the tribute album! These dudes have been at it for a while now and they show no sign of slowing down.

Here’s what Ricky had to say about the tribute album The Young Rochelles got good grades in school but nobody cared”.

Check out their awesome cover of Teachers Pet and many more on the HEAD tribute album which is coming at you really soon!


HEAD Tribute Album – Mom’s Basement Records presents The Livermores

It’s the middle of the work week, that’s no fun. How about a band announcement for the HEAD tribute? We’re happy to announce that the Livermores from Ancona, Italy are on the HEAD tribute comp. This newer band has self released a couple of CDs and a split 7” with fellow label mates the Proton Packs. Word has it that they’re working on a new full length that will be releasing via I Buy Records and Mom’s Basement Records.

Here’s what he had to say about the tribute “We didn’t choose a HEAD song… The HEAD song chooses you when you listen to them. Tire Shredding is in our top five of the best punk rock killer songs ever written. It’s a privilege to be a part of this compilation”


HEAD Tribute Album – Mom’s Basement Records presents The Putz

It’s Monday again, so that means it’s time to announce another band from the upcoming HEAD tribute album. This time it’s another MBR family member, we’re talking about the Putz! These guys are one of the best in the USA (as if you already didn’t know that) they’ve dropped 2 full lengths and a 12 ep on the best punk rock label on the planet Eccentric Pop Records and they’ve also worked with us on the Hole In One reissue and the Passport Split series vol.3 with the Proton Packs.

We spoke with Dougie and he had this to say about the HEAD Tribute album, “Head is exactly what you’d expect a “Ramonescore” band to sound like, in all the best ways. Simple, fun, repetitious, witty songs about the darker, more off-beat side of life.

Don’t Go Looking In the Closet is a perfect example. Classic Ramonesy song structure, tongue-in-cheek black humor, and a catchy as hell chorus. This song was a no-brainer when it came time to record our track for the record.

There you go folks, you can expect this killer contribution and many more on the upcoming HEAD tribute album.


HEAD Tribute Album – Mom’s Basement Records presents Lorrainas

Hell yeah! It’s Friday and it’s time for yet another band announcement for the upcoming HEAD tribute! This time we have a bit of big deal on our hands. We’re stoked to have The Lorrainas from Ontario, Canada on the tribute album. If you aren’t familiar then let’s take a trip down memory lane. The Lorrainas stormed the scene in the mid 2000’s and toured Canada and the States, all the while stealing the hearts and wallets of those in attendance!

The dynamics of the band consisted of 4 badass punk rock ladies and a rotating cast of Canadian legends like Jimmy and Scotty Vapid and the original drummer for the forgotten rebels all of which seemed to constantly complain about the ladies shenanigans. One constant quote was “You girls are killing me

We talked to Lasha from the Lorrainas and she spoke on behalf of the band stating that

The Lorraina’s LOVE Head.
Oh wait, you mean the band Head?
Never heard of them. Do they have a MySpace?

There you have it folks, another killer band confirmed for the HEAD tribute. You’ll surely keep going back to their cover of “Stag Party” it’s one of the stand out tracks on the tribute and you can quote me on that jerks.


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